[Picture] Is Jay shy of selcas?

Nowadays, many Kpop Idols selca to gain more popularity, love or even just for the fun of it. But have you noticed that Jay - yes, as in Jay Park - doesn't take selca? Or if he does, it's only if fans request so.

The note along with the picture: 시애틀에서 팬분이 셀카 찍어달라고 부탁했는데...재범이가 쑥스러웠는지...저런 그지같은 각도로...밑에서 찍었데요~~ㅋㅋㅋ 인권보호를 위해 안 풀려고 했는데~~~ㅋㅋㅋ

Translation: A fan in Seattle asked him to take a selca, but he was shy. So he took the picture with the camera angled from bottom up. I wasn't going to release it to protect him but~~~ keke

Well then, what did you think?

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Euhuhu~ Jay is so cute ^^ shy with selca, eh? Did you get a laugh from this article? Or did you make a new discovery about Jay Park? If you did, please do vote for me as your Favourite Author of July on the right of any dkpopnews.net page! Thanks for your support :D