[NEWS] HyunA interviews with Daily Sports

To celebrate Daily Sports' 41st anniversary, they recently conducted an interview with various members of the trending idol stars in the music industry. The interview was attended by a representative from each of the following girl groups such as SNSD, After School, f(x), Rainbow, 4Minute, T-ara, miss A, and Secret. HyunAh was 4Minute's representative in the interview.

Here is an extract of the interview involving HyunAh.
[Q] There’s a lot of rumors saying that the girl groups aren’t close to one another and that there’s a bit of tension.
[A] I’m very close with miss A’s Suzy since we’re both JYPE trainees. We may be competing but I’m always glad to see her whenever we bump into each other at events.

[Q] What do girl groups eat?
[A] You may not believe it but my nickname is pig. I last through the day with food.

[Q] You all do have something you don’t like about your physical appearance, right?
[A] I’m jealous of Nam Jihyun unni’s skin as well. Her no make up face is the best.

[Q] Was there ever a time you got angry at your company’s CEO?
[A] I was sick one day and got in trouble because I couldn’t dance well. I was so upset, I started crying. Still, I love our Hong Seung Sung Cube CEO. Daddy, don’t be mad, hehe.

[Q] When was the day you cried the most after debuting?
[A] I made a comeback with 4Minute after withdrawing from Wonder Girls. A lot of people anticipated a lot from me, but I was so upset that I couldn’t do as well as I wanted to.

[Q] If you could go back in time to before you became a celebrity, what would you do?
[A] I want to go to an amusement park and hang out until I get sick of it.

[E/N] Q = Questions, A = Answers

Throughout the interview, don't you guys agree that we can see HyunAh's professionalism in it? Share your thoughts about it.

Source: Allkpop
Reporting + Editing: Capri@4-minute.com