[INFO] CNBLUE to Hold Free Guerilla Concert for Major Debut

【CNBLUE】 日本メジャーデビューシングル『In My Head』のリリースを記念して、明日10/19(水)にフリーミニライブの開催が決定しました!! ≪場所:某所、時間:未定≫ ※事前に詳細を出せず申し訳ございま


【CNBLUE】 To commemorate the release of major debut single “In My Head” on October 19 (Wednesday) we have decided to hold a free mini-live! !

«Location: TBD , Duration: TBD»

※ Sorry we could not disclose it in advance. We ask for your understanding.

*TBD = To Be Decided (not yet decided)

Source: @FNCMusicJapan on Twitter
Translated by: @mmk_mk on Twitter | fizzy @ cnbluestorm