[News] Girls' Generation Targets Global Fame!

Girls’ Generation reveal their new song “The Boys” today, aiming to hit the world with a powerful, strong image.

During an interview prior to their third studio album in Korea and the first-ever maxi single to hit the United States in November, the girls seemed excited to be returning to the local music scene.

The nine girls dressed down for the press conference, wearing simple jeans and shirts. They could easily pass for average university students, chatting with one another in a rather free and open atmosphere. However, when the topic got around to music and performance, they made a complete about-face. 

Beyond girlish image

“The Boys,” composed and arranged by Teddy Riley, the celebrated producer who worked with Michael Jackson, is quite different from their previous songs such as “Gee” and “Oh!” Their usual bubbly image is gone and the girls get bold and set out to lead the boys. The song is released in both Korean and English.

“It is an energetic song, representing girl power — not only Girls’ Generation’s power, but women overall,” Tiffany said.
Instead of repeating “hooks,” the song is complete when heard from start to end. “We had many concerns about the hook and we know that Koreans love melodies that catch their ear. But we hope to bring back the old trend of listening to a song fully, not just a highlighted part,” Soo-young said.

Tae-yeon said it was the first time for the composing team to come and direct the recording. “European composers gave us songs, but they usually don’t come to the recording studio,” she said. “I felt that the American producer preferred the natural flow of the song.”
Jessica added that Riley commented on the group with simple words such as “Good” and “I like it.”

Yu-ri said the choreography of “The Boys” is also powerful with a hint of masculinity. “It’s more cool and stylish this time, going well with the lyrics and atmosphere of the song,” she said. Tiffany pointed out a stretching movement when all nine members move downward simultaneously.

Despite the release of the maxi single in the States through Interscope Records, the group will not go to the U.S. to promote their music.

“It is a significant beginning for Girls’ Generation in the U.S., but we do not expect big success at our first attempt. I think it is a good start for us and for K-pop,” Tae-yeon said.

“If we have good opportunities to perform in the U.S., Europe or South America, we are more than glad to go and perform there. However, we are concentrating more on performing here as of now,” Tiffany said. “I think it is more important to present new, high-quality content in Korea since it will spread across the globe eventually through the Internet such as on YouTube.”

Though “The Boys” shows a stronger-than-ever image of the group, their third album contains 11 more tracks and some of them are similar to the typical lively mood of their past.

Also on the album are “How Great Is Your Love,” an R&B ballad with lyrics written by member Soo-young, and the Korean version of “Mr. Taxi,” their hit single in Japan.

‘Teamwork is key’

The girl group said enjoying the music with members has been the driving source of power for them over the past four years.

“I am not a solo performer but a part of this nine-member group. Sometimes, I don’t feel like singing or dancing, but I also know that I might spoil the performance of the whole group,” Tae-yeon said. “Another merit is that when someone is being a grouch, we always have plenty of members to go cheer her up.”

Seo-hyun, the youngest one, said she never thought being in Girls’ Generation as work. “I am always happy since I am with people who can support each other and me when I go through tough times or get exhausted.”

Time has created a strong bond among the members. “We work together as Girls’ Generation, but we are more like friends now. Rather than being pressured by success, we enjoy performing and love receiving energy from our fans,” Soo-young said.
Tae-yeon revealed that the members have a group chat room via a mobile messenger service. “It is easy to talk to each other and share ideas even when we are not physically together,” Yoon-a added.

Girls’ Generation didn’t seem too concerned about rivalry with other groups, including the Wonder Girls who will also soon release a new album. “We are good friends with them and excited to see what they learned from their time in the States,” Tiffany said.

Instead, the group focuses on improving. “As more fans love us, we feel more responsible and try to become better every time we do something,” Yu-ri said. “And it is even better when nine of us are together.”

Shared by: angelclowie18@dkpopnews.net