[Picture] Who was Hyunah's friend? Her Hoobae!

Earlier, pictures of Hyunah and a schoolmate was posted on Dkpopnews. Well this article has information on who that schoolmate was!

Photos of 4Minute HyunA posing with upcoming boyband Teen Top member L.Joe revealed.

L.Joe posted 2 photos on his Twitter account on 6th July. In the photos, he was seen posing with HyunA and making cute expressions. It is known that HyunA and L.Joe are schoolmates in Korea Arts High .

And because of their busy schedule, the 2 had no chance to meet up with each other at broadcast centres, but had met in school. They were seen posing in their uniform in the photos revealed.

Netizens commented, “Maknae HyunA is now a senior in school and her junior is about to debt”, “It is good to see them close as senior and junior”, “They look like siblings, both of them have a mole under their eye” etc.

L.Joe wrote on his Twitter that even though the 2 have seen each other around in school, this was the first time they greeted each other. He also revealed his gratitude towards HyunA.

Meanwhile, Teen Top is set to debut with their 1st single ‘Come Into The World’ on 9th July. The title song to the album is ‘Applause’ and they will start their album promotions from 10th July.

Cr: Kbites
Photo Cr: Teentop's twitter

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P.S. Narsha's Bbi Ri Bba Bba MV has been switched to a HD MV. Click here.