[ME2DAY] Dara is excited opening fan’s prepared lunchbox!

ORIGINAL: 지금 우린 라디오 끝나구 새로 이사온 숙소!!!ㅋ 우리 팬분들이 준 도시락 챙겨와서 먹는중!!!ㅋㅋ 마이또~! 잘먹응께요! 애들 완전 와구와구 먹는중인데 차마 사진 못찍겟어요 ㅋ 아이 잘먹는다^_^ 땡큐!!!

TRANSLATION: We’ve just ended our radio show and now we’re in the new apartment!!!ke Our fans prepared lunchbox for us to eat!!!keke Delicious~! We’ll enjoy our food! While the kids are eating, I took a picture of them.ke We’re enjoying our food ^_^ Thank you!!!

Source: Dara’s me2day
Translated by: Isha@21BANGS.com

++ She also mentioned about moving to a new home. wow they move??? cool ^^