[Twitter] Rain greets Thunder "Happy Birthday!"

Rain sends a warm birthday greetings to birthday boy CheonDung thru twitter.
He tweeted,

"Doong ah Happy Birthday. Our Doongie is a tall, nice high school student when i first met and now you became a very cool man. Our maknae i love you ^^ your gift ~~ Hyung will give you before I enlist hehe"

Cheondung replied,

"Thank you hyung! T_T Gift… Over 2 years, all the things you taught me are already the presents! I will attend the concert on October 9!! I will became a better singer! Ji-hoon Hyung I love you! T_T"

Note: Rain called him maknae here, but Mir is really the maknae :)

Source: 29rain&MBLAQCD twitter
Written by shaynekay@dkpopnews.net