[INFO] Co-Ed gets one more member and will debut as a 10-member mixed group

Ahead of their debut, it has been revealed that NamNyeoDongHak (Co-Ed) will debut as 10 members instead of 9 members.

This is according to their agency Core Contents Media on 4th August, “Initially we wanted it to be a 9-member group, but we have added one more member. We have added another male member, who is currently a middle school 3rd year student. Even though it hasn’t been long since Co-Ed is formed, the members are able to collaborate well, and they will be able to show a even cooler group.”

The revealed members of Co-Ed includes SeeYa ex-member SooMi, Ryu HyoYeong, ‘Little Goo Hara’ Jin HyeWon, KwangHaeng, JungWoo and InWoo.

The group will debut in September officially.

S:Newsen; KBites