[info] Lee Tae Sung tweet about Mischievous Kiss filming today

It is said that yesterday Aug 09, they were filming a ballet scene (Hani’s imagination)


오늘또운동회~~3일째 가을운동회를촬영중입니다~
It is sports day today, too. Fall sports day has been filming for 3 days.

오늘은 계주가 끝났으면 ㅋㅋ 계속뚸야하고 너무덥네요~
Today, I wish relay race finished. lol. Because it is hot and I have to run again and again.

결국 태풍의영향으로 비가와 잠시 중단하고 있슴돠 ~
It is raining due to the influence of Typhoon. So, filming is stopped.

오늘도더못찍고 다시올듯 ㅜ
I think I am going to come here again.


Credit: http://twitter.com/TAE_SAMA.Translation by layzzie84 @ Mischievous soompi + ss501foreverfans.proboards.com