[me2day] Minji poses next to shrek? and Park Bom eats well in the morning

YG's trainer Hwang Ssa Bu has recently updated his me2day, right next to Dara, he's quite the man on me2day giving us sneak peaks on YG artists behind the scenes in the training room~ Check out his me2day updates for today:

Original message:
Min G & Shrek!^^

In English:

Min G & Shrek!^^

Original message:
주말 다이어트 식사수칙 No1. 아침은 잘먹고 점심은 배불리 먹고 저녁은 소식 시간 만들어서 운동하기!^^

In English:

Weekend diet rule No1. Eat well in the morning and eat lunch when you’re hungry, creating time for exercise!^^

So I guess I should eat well in the morning and lunch :D

me2day translation credits: aa-chan