[News] Pledis clarifies, 'After School Lizzy’s underwear exposure? It’s just the vest which came off slightly'

Pledis comes out to clarify amidst news reports talking about how After School Lizzy’s underwear had came off during a broadcast show which had fans and netizens feeling flustered.

This had happened during the filming of the summer special for ‘Pledis Girls School’, which started airing every week from July.

In one of the scenes, the members were filming some water games at the water ski park and have to ride on banana boat as a form of punishment. In the midst of riding the banana boat, the members had fell into the water and some members said, “It seems her clothes came off.”

A Pledis staff who was present at the filming site clarified, “It seems that some one’s vest had came off slightly when they fell into the water. It only came off slightly, there was not exposure of the underwear.”

Before the clarification, many fans had thought that it is a little too much for a 19-year-old teenage girl to have her underwear come off during a broadcast shows and had expressed their concerns.

S: Hankook KyungJae

Credits: KBites