[News] Kim Jae Joong shows a friendly older brother attitude to Nicole

Kim Jae Joong is currently in America due to JYJ concerts and last night he seemed to have trouble sleeping due to time difference.

Nicole replied to his tweet and Kim Jae Joong replied "You guys must find it hard to maintain your weight and not eat well. I feel sorry for you the most as I know you love eating"

Nicole replied "Just had lots of food and now I'm T.T Oppa, you need to swap eating habits with me" and said she finds it hard to maintain her weight. JaeJoong then replied "Your problem is that you eat too much within a short period of time. In conclusion, it means your mother cooks really well"

Fans said "I'm jealous.. I wanna have a conversation like that with JaeJoong" "I eat too much within short period of time too.. Could you worry about me too?.."
