[News] The rivals in Heroes - Seo In Young & Ga Hee reveal "Actually, we are close!"

Singers, Seo In Young and Ga Hee (After School), the rivals of SBS "Heroes" show that are currently making a war to each other revealed that their relationship in real life is really close and told the viewers and everyone around them not to being so worried about it.

Seo In Young, ex-Jewelry's member, who is younger than Ga Hee for 4 years, was debuted before Ga Hee that's why , since the 1st Episode of this show, there is a problem about how to call each other betweenher and Ga Hee. During the competition, Seo In Young also called Ga Hee as "Junior (Huhbae)" not "Big Sister (Unnie)". Ga Hee who doesn't give up, said repetitively that "Senior In Young takes care of me from head to toe". That made many people feel shocked.

Because of this, many people seem to worried about them and believe that their relationship must be so bad. However, the staff who works for Seo In Young come to reveal that "Although their characters looks like they are making war to each other, they don't have a rival relationship."

Moreover, when Ga Hee went to Singapore in the end of July, she had called Seo In Young for asking about the shopping places in Singapore since Seo In Young ever published the book "Seo In Young’s shopping in Singapore" in May. This also shows their close relationship.

Seo In Young's staff also added that "Their participation in Heroes show make them be more closer. Although their images in the show are having fights to each other but there's nothing to be worried since they are already close so, they can use the sarcastic words normally."

source: star news
trans by MoonStone @ Jewelry Fanclub