[Poll] Super Junior member ranking in Chinese Fan Poll

* NOTE: This is a poll from CHINA, on a fans’ discussion forum/ site.It DOES NOT represent the individual overall popularity in China or everywhere else and is only posted for reference. *— What is here DOES NOT represent anything. Just the thoughts of the fans who participated in this poll –

1. Heechul - 62505
2. Kyuhyun – 56501
3. Hangeng – 39274
4. Donghae – 24844
5. Siwon – 23655
6. Eunhyuk – 22416
7. Kibum – 16652
8. Leeteuk – 12940
9. Kangin – 11866
10. Yesung – 10637
11. Ryeowook – 6985
12. Shindong – 6167
13. Sungmin – 2943

Translated and shared by: minoko2440 @ sapphirepearls.com