[Twitter/Pictures] Super Junior 100810 twitter updates

via @special1004
큰일이다 ㅠㅠ잠이안온다 머리 목 어깨 다 아픈가보다..진짜 이러다 잘못되는거아닐까 무섭다..
big problem ㅠㅠ i cant sleep, my head throat shoulder must all be in pain.. im scared that if this continues something bad will happen..
via @ryeong9
사진의 용량이 커서였을까.. 내 폰에선 보였던 내 메인사진이 컴터로는 안봐지네~^^: 그래서 바꿨당!! ㅎㅎ 김탁구!! 모두모두 보세~~ 김타구를 안지 일주일밖에 안됐다는게 너무 아쉽다 ㅠㅠ 벌써 끝나는거 아녀..ㅜ
was it because my picture’s size was too big.. my picture which was viewable on my phone is not viewable on my computer ~ ^^ : so i changed it !! ㅎㅎ Kim Tak Goo !! everyone watch ~~ the fact that it has only been a week since i got to know Kim Tak Goo is so sad ㅠㅠ what if it finishes .. ㅜ
via @Heedictator  
라디오계의 모래시계•허준•첫사랑 김희철의 영스트리트 청취율 만땅 넣어주세요~ 아 비 왜케 오냐ㅡㅡ^ 내게 우산을 씌워줄 여자친구가 있었음 좋겠다.. 아 내가 씌워주는건가
Kim Hee Chul’s Young Street, like a hourglass.Heo Joon. First Love [these are old dramas] in the radio world   please give full ratings ~ ah why is it raining so much ㅡㅡ^ i wish i had a girlfriend who could put an umbrella over me.. ah am i suppose to be the one who puts it over her 
via @Heedictator
슈주 콘서트 오는 사람 글질 고고
people who are coming for Suju’s concert start your writings
via @Heedictator
@BoA_1105 우리 찐빵남매래 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@BoA_1105 we are [known as] jjinbbang[ steamed bun, in Chinese its known as "Pao"] sister-brother ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
via @Heedictator
나중에 찐빵집 해야지. 가게이름 ‘천상천하 찐빵독존’ 메뉴는 기본빵=걍찐빵, 선빵=빵부터 먹고 후불, 생일빵=케잌빵, 쭉쭉빵빵=리브샌드 모양의 긴빵, 대빵=4인분빵, 몰빵=몰디브맛의 빵, 죽빵=체한 사람을 위한 빵으로 만든 죽..ㅋㅋ개망하겠네
Next time i shall run a jjinbang shop. Name of the sotre “天上天下 jjinbang dokjon” menu will be, basic bread=gyang jjinbbang, sunbbang= eat bread first, then comes a deferred payment, saengilbbang= cake bbang, jjookjjook bbangbbang= a long bread shaped of a ribsang, dae[大] bbang= bread for 4 person, molbbang= a bread with a taste of Maldives, jook[porridge] bbang= porridge made out of bread and is for people with indigestion .. ㅋㅋ [if this was real] this will surely be a failure  [note: the names of breads here are mostly parodies of show/movie titles]
via @BoA_1105
@Heedictator 점점 발전해나가는데?! 괜츈타~~~~^^ ㅋㅋ
@Heedictator its slowly getting developed ?! not bad ~~~~ ^^ ㅋㅋ
via @BoA_1105
@Heedictator 같이 만들어진 이름이니깐 반띵해!!! ㅋㅋ
@Heedictator since this name was made for us both, lets take half half !!! ㅋㅋ
via @ShinsFriends
희철이형에게온 태국 번역편지 따뜻한 마음이 모두 전해지네요 ^^ 무슨뜻인지 아는사람 천재!!!! 소변으로시작해 소변으로끈나네용 ㅎㅎㅎㅎhttp://twitpic.com/2dcma9 http://twitpic.com/2dcrid
a translated letter from Thailand to Heechul, the warm heart of is definately felt ^^ who ever knows the meaning of this is a genius !!!! it starts with urine and end withs urine hehehehe [the letter is most prob. translated with an online translator] http://twitpic.com/2dcma9 http://twitpic.com/2dcrid

via @Heedictator
@ShinsFriends ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@ShinsFriends kekekekekekekekeekekekekekekeke
via @Heedictator
@BoA_1105 동업 고고 ㅋㅋ둘이 만든 성질찐빵!! 먹으면 성질나는 맛으로 ㅋㅋ빵안에 겨자만 들어있거나 소금만 들어있는 뉴맛
@BoA_1105  go go in partnership ㅋㅋ the temper jjinbbang we two will make !! eat it for the taste of temper ㅋㅋ a new taste with either salt or spicy mustard filling bread
via @ShinsFriends
제발 그러지마시길……!!! 이제그만……
please dont do that ……. !!! stop already…..
via @BoA_1105
@Heedictator ㅋㅋㅋㅋ대박예감인데?! 좋아!!!!!!!! ㅋㅋ
 @Heedictator ㅋㅋㅋㅋ have a daebak feeling about this one ?! nice !!!!!!!! keke
via @ShinsFriends
 뭐야? 다들 뭐지? 멘션보구놀래라!! 왜갑자기 그분이야기가나오구 욕하구 뭐야 도대체뭐야? 무슨일인지설명해주세요… 난아무짓안햇는데 뭘 도대체 대놓구 한다는거야?? 팬을생각안한다구?? 팬생각하는데. 나 잘못한건가?? 잉? 죄송해요 뭔진..모르지만,,
what is this ? whats with everyone ? was shocked by the mentions !! why does that person suddenly come in the story and swearing and whats with all this ?please explain to me … i didnt do anything but why do you keep saying im doing it infront of everyone ?? im not thinking about my fans ?? i do think of them. did i do something wrong ?? eh? im sorry.. although i dont know for what,,   
via @ShinsFriends
하루하루 왜케빠르니….. 시간너무빨라 ~~ 꿈에들어가 10분의 1 의 시간을 가지고 살고싶다~~~ 천천히 급하지않게 천천히 천천히 하지만 넌 빠른걸조아하지 뭐든지 알고싶어하고 모르면 혼자상상하며 결과물을 만들어버리지…. 바보니?? ㅋㅋ 답답해
why are the days going by so fast…. time is going by too quickly~~ i want to go inside a dream and live as if 10 minutes is an hours~~ slowly without rushing , slowly slowly but you like it fast, you want to know everything and if you dont know what it is you start to imagine it by yourself  and make the result …. are you stupid ?? ㅋㅋ so frustrating
via @BoA_1105 
슈퍼주니어의 키스더라디오 왔어요. 오늘 은혁씨는 얘기좀 많이 하실려나?! ㅋㅋ
Came to Super Junior’ Kiss the Radio. Will Eunhyuk talk a lot today ?! ㅋㅋ
via @ShinsFriends
RT @superjr_13:정답!!!! @ShinsFriends 인…셉…션…ㅋㅋ
RT @superjr13: correct !!!!! @ShinsFriends in..cept..ion.. keke
via @ShinsFriends
(제발 그러지마시길! 이제그만.) 이문장이 오해를 살줄이야 ㅋㅋ (cont)http://tl.gd/31hh8h
(please dont do this ! stop now.) didnt know this sentence would have caused a misunderstanding ㅋㅋ(cont) http://tl.gd/31hh8h
via @BoA_1105
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ은혁씨ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ http://yfrog.com/meabkpj
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Eunhyuk shi ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋhttp://yfrog.com/meabkpj
via @ShinsFriends
심심타파시작합니다 95.9
ShimShimTaPa is starting 95.9
Credit: @ShinsFriends, @BoA_1105, @Heedictator, @special1004, @ryeong9
Translated by: teukiebiased @ sapphirepearls.com