[Twitter/Pictures] Super Junior 100812 twitter updates

via @ShinsFriends
RT @withs_j:기억나지롱 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ @ShinsFriends 오빠 혹시 심심타파 간식배송하실때 신촌 (cont) http://tl.gd/32j59b
 RT @withs_j: i do remember hehehe @ShinsFriends oppa that time when ShimShimTaPa was delivering food to Shinchon (cont)http://tl.gd/32j59b
via @Heedictator
비오는 날엔 찐빵과 함께.. http://tweetphoto.com/38388895
together with jjinbbang [ steamed bread a.k.a Pau] on a rainy day.. http://tweetphoto.com/38388895

via @shfly3424
http://twitpic.com/2dx06z 슈퍼주니어 콘서트3 리허설가는중 … 이제 이틀남았다 ^^ 그날은 여러분비안맞게 날씨맑았으면 좋겠네 ~
http://twitpic.com/2dx06z On the way to Super Junior concert3′s rehearsal… now there’s 2 days left ^^ i hope on that day, the weather will be bright so that you guys won’t get wet in the rain ~

via @Heedictator
슈퍼쇼 공연장 사진.. 미리 보여주겠음. 보기 싫다면 뒤로 뒤로 뒤로~http://tweetphoto.com/38421058
a picture of Super Show’s performance hall.. i’ll give you a preview. if you don’t want to see ~ http://tweetphoto.com/38421058
via @ShinsFriends
난 스탠딩석 공개 ㅎㅎㅎ RT @Heedictator: 슈퍼쇼 공연장 사진.. 미리 보여주겠음. 보기 싫다면 뒤로 뒤로 뒤로~ http://tweetphoto.com/38421058
@ShinsFriends: ill expose the standing section hehehe RT @Heedictator: a picture of Super Show’s performance hall.. i’ll give you a preview. if you don’t want to see go back back back ~ http://tweetphoto.com/38421058
via @ShinsFriends
@ShinsFriends: 난 스탠딩석 공개 ㅎㅎㅎ RT @Heedictator: 슈퍼쇼 공연장 사진.. 미리 보여주겠음. 보기 싫다면 ~ http://tweetphoto.com/38421058http://twitpic.com/2dykls
@ShinsFriends: ill expose the standing section hehehe RT @Heedictator: a picture of Super Show’s performance hall.. i’ll give you a preview. if you don’t want to see ~
via @special1004
비가 정말 미친듯이내린다..다들비조심하구요!답답함이 조금은 씻겨내려가는것같다..너무도 지친거같아…
its really raining like crazy.. everyone, be careful of the rain ! well at least my frustration is washed out a little.. i think im exhausted…
via @special1004
앙드레김 선생님..삼가고인의 명복을빕니다..그대에손엔 모든것들이 예술로 승화되었습니다 편히잠드시길 바랍니다..
Teacher Andre Kim.. i hope you rest in peace.. in your hands, everything has been sublimated into art, i hope you rest in peace..
Credit: @ShinsFriends, @shfly3424, @Heedictator, @special1004,
Translated by: teukiebiased @ sapphirepearls.com