[DKP Exclusive] ZE:A 's Malaysia's Press Conference !

ZE:A is also known As Children of Empire.The group consists of 9 members.The press Conference starts with all 9 members sayin 'Apa Khabar' (Hello in Malay). The members seating's were in this order, Taehun,KwangHee,Junyoung,Heecheol,Dong Jun,Min Woo,Siwan,Kevin and Hyung Shik.

It was a really fun press conference.The press conference was conducted in English,Chinese and Korean.Kevin did most of the talking since he is fluent in English.The boys are really good looking in Real life!

Kwang Hee and Dong Joon was really playful at the press conference,they interacted with the press.

Many questions were asked, there was one question where they were asked,'If they were given a chance, who would they want to work with in the near future ? ', (Asian Artist). They answered Fahrenheit,Jay Chou.Some of the members mentioned SNSD and one of them personally liked 4-Minute's Hyunah.

Enjoy the pictures !

Once again, thanks to Geneses Dream for the invitation !

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