[NEWS] 110111 2AM Jinwoon's solo project "It's rock", Jinwoon (2AM)

2AM's Jinwoon is in the middle of preparing for his solo project.

In that solo project, Jinwoon will show the genre he likes the most, which is rock. Bighit Entertainment's staff said "Jinwoon produced the song himself and it will not show what any idol can sing. It is rock that is truthful and closer to its originality. Jinwoon's solo project is still at the beginning stages but they will gather great musicians and will make a somewhat type of band."

Jinwoon who was a member of a rock band in high school has more affection towards it then others too. He debuted in a group 2AM but didn't stop his affection for rock and had practiced guitar, base, drum etc.

During 2AM's national tour, which is going on right now, he played an electric guitar and many fans cheer for him. Also on the 30th, at KBS Gayo Daejun (Singing Festival), he showed his guitar skills, making the audience go wow.

On the other hand, last year, 2AM had Jokwon's solo 'Day of Confession', Changmin and 8Eight's Lee Hyun's 'I Was Eating well' and Seulong and IU's 'Nagging' and got lots of love.

Reporter Lee Hyunwoo
Credit Daum
Article http://media.daum.net/entertain/all/view.html?cateid=1005&newsid=20110111154739001&p=mk

Translated by oneday_hottest @ W2D
May be taken out with credits