[Interview] SHINee- We are nocturnal. We become active when it becomes night time. [Part 1]

Let's start with talking about the album. What is your favorite song in the album?
Key: 'Electric Heart'. Hitchhiker composed the song. If it wasn't for this album, I don't think
this song could have been included in any other album.
Onew: It has a new vibe to it. For me, 'Your Name'. I wrote the lyrics (laughs).
Jonghyun: 'Obsession' for me.
SHINee: Hahahah
Jonghyun: Ah, half the reason is because I wrote it (laughs) but I actually really like this song.
This song was recorded along time ago; I really like the melody and the song.
Taemin: For me, 'Life'. It's a calm ballad; I really like calm and soothing songs.

"We accept the members for who they are."

Is Minho's favorite song 'Shout Out' (Ak)? Because it has such strong beats, I think it'll fit with his
'flaming charisma' image (laughs). It also has a lot of rap parts.

SHINee: Ak! Ak!
Minho: What's wrong with you guys? It's not, my favorite song is 'Lucifer'.

The reason why I asked this question was because this album is a full album. All 13 songs are
new songs. You don't see many singers participating this much for an album.

Jonghyun: That's right. Different from the past, we participated a lot for this album. We also
shared a lot of conversations with the producers/directors.
Key: I was relieved to hear that our company wasn't going to put our previous title songs to this album.
Usually full albums include songs from previous albums.

This album especially contained different genres. It also included a lot of the members' chords.
Because of that, I think you guys needed to spend a lot of time matching and harmonizing.

Jonghyun: Yes. Because each member had to have a good understanding of each song and their beats,
we spent a lot of time talking with the producers/directors. Also, when we recorded the song, we didn't record it
together in the same recording room. We had to analyze each of the member's vocals. Also with the vibrations,
we had to listen to the previous member's vibrations and voice.
Key: If you listen to it, they know already what to do. The members will know how to take on with the vocals. If the harmonization isn't right, then it's their fault (laughs). Each members have songs that suit them so they
automatically know how to sing that part. When we practice, there isn't a time where a song doesn't suit a member.
Because all our styles are different, I think it blends in well.
Onew: When we have to match each details, we spent a lot of time thinking how to sing that part.
It's not like, "I'll do this part like this and like that." It's more like, "You do this part, and I'll do this."

Instead of being music, I think the matter of your person life is important. You guys need to
know and understand each other well so you guys are able to communicate.

Key: We're not the type when we look for our members every time something happens. If we get into an
argument, we don't argue until it leads to a bad ending. Because all 5 of us live together, it'll be a lie if we
say that we don't get into any arguments. But that doesn't mean we fight and start losing feelings for each other.
Jonghyun: We'll just have to pay attention. When we practice, our thoughts should be only on practicing.
When we rest, we can just rest (laughs). I don't know if this is only us but we like to share our personal/private
thoughts. I think that gives us a positive impact. Because nothing special goes on in our dorm, we're usually quiet.
But we accept that fact and understand each other.
Onew: We have our own borderline (laughs).

We thought our stage for 'Lucifer' would be impossible."

Do the members get anything good out of this? (*talking about the personalities) Last year when we met,
Minho enjoyed soccer and Key liked shopping. Those are two totally different hobbies. How is it now?

Key: 2 years ago, it was simple. I was only in second year of high school. If we're different we think,"We're different." Because of that, we didn't get to look at the good sides of that.
Now that we lived for 2 years together, our difference in hobbies doesn't mean we can't learn anything from each other (laughs).
Rather, if we all had the same hobby and personality, I think we'd argue and fight more (laughs).
Anyways, did we learn something? (laughs)
Minho: We don't fight (laughs). We lived together for 3 years now. At first when I saw Key,
I thought,"That's my style. Our styles don't match." (laughs). But as we live together, I learned what kind of
person Key was and learned to understand and adjust to him. For an example, even though Key's fashion style is
different from mine, I sometimes ask him for advice on what to buy. Same with music. We both share what kind of
music we like. I think we come to learn about the members in a good way.

I think the performance for 'Lucifer' showcased the members' daily lifestyle. You guys have to harmonize together,
match the choreography together (laughs). You guys all must be busy, but how did you guys practice?

Taemin: That's how we felt. A person can do it if they try (laughs). Even if we don't know, we just have to
try. Honestly we didn't think it was possible.
Onew: You just have to do it.
Minho: When we learned the choreography first and then tried the live, we were all surprised. This is
impossible. We can't do it. Let's just use the MR (laughs).
Key: We even thought,"Can't we just say we're sick?" (laughs)
Minho: But interestingly, the second day was better. We thought it sounded better. Third day of practice
we thought,"Hey, this is getting better." So everything works if you practice.
Taemin: Just before the comeback, I had to go to Hong Kong for . But before I left our
practice was still shaky. So I thought, "I can't just leave like this!" But when I came back, everything sounded
great. I was thinking what really happened (laughs).
Jonghyun: When we were preparing for our album, we went to our company at 1-2 and arrived at our dorm at 12am.
We practiced together. After filming our music video, we needed to practice on our live (laughs).
Minho: A month before filming for our music video, I really thought I was living in the company.

"Because we are used to each other, I think we are able to be funnier on shows."

I think the team's atmosphere changed. During KBS , you guys seem more comfortable.
Taemin: We're really "night stars" (nocturnal). We become hyper during the night (laughs).
Minho: I realized this right now but before, I think I was uncomfortable being on shows. Half the reason
was because I was young and the other reason was because I didn't know much about broadcast shows. But after 2
years of monitoring and watching others come on shows, I've became more comfortable. We're usually laughing
most of the times in the waiting room and the car so I think we were able to show that through .
I'm thankful for those who enjoyed watching it.
Jonghyun: We have to do a reality show now (laughs). (*he's saying how because they're more
comfortable, they can do another reality show)
Being comfortable with each other seems to be a big factor in this.

During Key mentioned a previous episode about Onew on . Seems like he monitors everything?
Minho: Not really. If Onew says it's funny, he watches it. Sometimes we'll catch some highlights on the
Internet. We can't watch everything.

How does Minho feel like when meeting seniors on the show ?
Minho: I'm always the youngest. Even if other idols come on, I'm usually the youngest.
At first it was hard; there were a lot of things I didn't know about either. As time passed, there are a lot of
parts that I am now comfortable. A lot of people also say, "I saw you on that show, you're pretty good."
If you're a permanent member on a show, a lot of people recognize you. I'm happy to be able to experience new things.

source: stalkingfraud