[News] Inventory of artistes who bring their younger brothers to fame!

Source: Youeasy.net
Eng trans: Only Jun (kimhyungjun.net)

Everyone has dreams to become an artiste, the entertainment industry seems so near yet so far. In this ever changing entertainment industry, what kind of reason will push one to fame? Having natural good genes is definitely the top reason. There are such a handful of people in the entertainment industry, at one glance you may only think that they are very handsome,  very good looking and look kind of familiar. Indeed, they do have an extraordinary origin, and soon after you will realise that they are actually someone’s younger brother.
Today, will secretly help you draw up an inventory list of these bunch of pretty boys’ sibling records in the entertainment industry.

[Other artistes omitted]

Kim Hyung Jun + Kim Ki Bum
Please Call Me Mr. Kim Hyung Jun’s brother
In 2005 Kim Hyung Jun debuted as part of SS501 and hiw younger brother, Kim Ki Bum, who is 3 years younger, joined U-KISS 2 years ago, following his footsteps into the entertainment industry. He has once appeared on stage for his brother as a sign of support, evidently showing their close relationship, however Ki Bum whose popularity is rapidly rising, is causing Kim Hyung Jun to feel a little pressurised.
“My brother is now very active in the entertainment industry, he oftens appear in Korean variety shows. Initially, we were still very good brothers, but now I feel that he is becoming like a small threat to me, even though he still my good brother!” He quickly added, “I’m only joking! I’m very happy to see that my brother is very active, becoming more and more popular.” Seems like pressures from work would never be comparable to their close brotherhood.