[News] Teen Top Ricky "The best conditions? Do our best!"

As the last day of evaluation to choose Teen Top's members come they still didn't begin to worry about who'll be first.
At that time Ricky had to go frequently to the hospital because of his throat 'to prevent the voices changes', so he couldn't properly take the vocal lessons. Because of that the company showed compassion and stated "Because of Ricky's voice changes he had a reason for not singing, so we were waiting to see if next time his conditions will be better than these."
The news came like a thunderclap and he was shocked but he couldn't give up.
"Because we didn't prevent it I couldn't give up from the beginning. I could do well, and I wanted to do it this time so I asked a favor and I was ready for the evaluation."
During all this time Ricky followed his role model and at every hard time he told at himself that he could do it, and at the last evaluation day he had to know perfectly the steps of Rain's 'Rainism'.
He did his best, he followed his dance teacher's word to find 'the expression that fits the dance the best', by listening each words of the song. He was extremely nervous but finally finished his evaluation performance safely.
He didn't even know the dance basics and had to practice while growing up, his friends, the dance teachers and every people around couldn't help but be surprised. And on the day where they announced who were Teen Top's members, when Ricky heard his name a thousand emotions crossed his mind and he shed tears of joy.
"When I was praticing as a member of Teen Top, I was the most sorry to my hyung on the fact that because of my voice changes we couldn't properly share our lyrics part. And because I was so sorry I practiced even more my dancing."
Heaven helps those who help themselves. Because he made so much efforts Ricky was able to take part at the first performance of their debut song 'Clap'. After their debut, sometimes when they talk about the distribution of their parts he's not sorry anymore but he's steadily practicing for the day where his voice changes are gone and he can proudly sing.
"I say to myself 'If I do it, it'll work'. On stage I make constant efforts to become a singer like Rain who knows how to enjoy a performance and the Seo Taiji and Boys who put all their energy on stage. To become the best I have to do my best."

Original article: Asia Economy Daily
Translation: BGSS2Maknae@6ToT