[INFO] 101124 "Legend of 2PM" on Japan's MUSIC ON! TV

2PMのインタビューや貴重映像をお届けする“Legend of 2PM”

韓国の人気スター達のデビューからスターダムにのし上がった現在までの記録をインタビューや貴重映像で振り返る“Legend of Star series”。

今回は“Legend of 2PM”をお届け!

11/24(水)にDVD『Hottest ~ 2PM 1st MUSIC VIDEO COLLECTION & The History ~』で日本デビューを果たす大注目の2PMをフィーチャー!

"The Legend of 2PM" Delivers An Interview of 2PM and Meaningful Clips

It's the "Legend of Star Series" that looks back at annals of Korea's popular artists, from their debut to their current move up to stardom, with interviews and meaningful clips.

This time, we're delivering the "Legend of 2PM"!

It will feature the eye-catching 2PM, who will carry out their Japanese debut with their DVD "Hottest ~ 2PM 1st MUSIC VIDEO COLLECTION & The History ~" on Nov. 24th.

Source: MUSIC ON! TV Official Website
Translated by oraday @ Wild2Day.org