Hong Kong Press in a frenzy of "Lee Hyori Praise"

As expected, those on "top" are always different and special.

Korea's top singer Lee Hyori has landed herself in the centre of attention yet again, and this time, with the Hong Kong locals.

On the 26th of this month, Hyori was in Hong Kong filming for a jeans commercial, thus causing the airport to become extremely crowded and difficult. However, despite all the commotion and danger, when an enthusiastic fan nearly tripped while attempting to run towards her, Hyori helped the fan and prevented him/her from falling. Hyori's warm-hearted action of putting her fans before herself touched the hearts of many and showed exactly how much she loves her fans.

The Hong Kong Press who witnessed the incident commented, "Ofcourse it is no surprise she is the most popular celebrity in Korea", and, "Most stars would have ignored such a thing and walked away but she is different. What a great person."

Netizens in Hong Kong have expressed similar views, "Not only does she have a beautiful face, but she also has a beautiful soul", and, "I have seen her often on Korean variety shows and found her to be very laid back. I always assumed her laid back and slightly manly image was just her concept but now I can see that her personality is real. She is very loveable."

Looks like our Pop princess has made us fall in love with her "Hyorish" ways yet again.

Source: http://media.joinsmsn.com/article/868/4992868.html?ctg=15