[News] Chang Min - Lee Jung, hilarious parody of “Secret Garden”, “How can it be?”

2AM Chang Min perfectly transformed into Kim Joo Won of the popular drama “Secret Garden”.

On KBS 2TV “On Your Command, Sir!” (t/n: this is the official English title from KBS World for “Order Received”) to be aired on January 29, Chang Min and Lee Jung did a parody of the “staring at each other while doing sit-up” scene in “Secret Garden” and made the whole set burst out in laughter.

That day MC Tak Jae Hoon, Lee Jung and 2AM Chang Min got the mission “to be a one-day teacher at the Korean class for immigrant women” at a local center in Joong Rang-gu, Mang Woo 3 dong, so they taught the class using famous lines from the popular Korean drama “Secret Garden” and acted them out in Korean and Vietnamese.

Lee Jung and Chang Min even got very close to each other’s face when they reenacted the “staring at each other while doing sit-up” done by Kim Joo Won and Gil Ra Im in “Secret Garden” and made all the women and staff on set burst into laughter.

Chang Min wore the sparkling training outfit and perfectly transformed into Kim Joo Won, Lee Jung played the role of Gil Ra Im and even directed the love scene and the sit-up.

Then Chang Min asked Lee Jung, “Since when did you get so dark?” in the tone used by Kim Joo Won and made everybody laugh.

TRANSLATION by suzelle@IAMfor2AM