[News] Dalmatian's fan signing; "You have 2 more chances!"

Thanks to their fans support, Dalmatian will have additional fan signings.

According to IS Entermedia group, Dalmatian held their first fan signing event on the 4th in Yongsan ( Seoul ) and will meet with fans one more time in Incheon on the 12th and in Mokdong ( Seoul ) on the 13th.

Their first fan signing, hold on the 4th in Yongsan Ipark Mall Shin Nara Records, was a big success with 400 fans attending. Dalmatian members welcomed fans all along with cheerful faces, not only greeting Korean ones, but also Australian, French, Japanese and other foreign fans, revealing their popularity.

On behalf of Dalmatian's first album producer Mnet, a representative stated : "After the first fan meeting, we kept receiving inquiries about fan signings out of Seoul. We decided to hold one more fan signing in the Incheon Shin Nara Records on Saturday 12th, and another one in Mokdong Kyobo bookstore on Sunday 13th."

Dalmatian's mini album title songs "This man opposed" and "Lover cop" are currently being popular.