[NEWS] Big Bang was picked as the #1 idols fans would spend their last 8mins of life with

In a unique survey asking netizens “if you only had 8 minutes remaining to live, what male idol would you spend your last moments with?” like the situation which is depicted in the movie “Source Code”‘, Big Bang was ranked as the most wanted male idols to be spent the day with.

Nate conducted this survey from May 12th to the 15th and an overwhelming 61% of netizens picked Big Bang as the #1 group they’d like to spend their last moments with.

Behind Big Bang, 2PM and JYJ tied each with 17% and BEAST with 6%.Meanwhile, “Source Code” which was released on May 4th, has attracted a big crowd and is continuing to rank high in the box-office .

Souce: Osen
Translated by : alee @ibigbang