Mir’s Cafe Message 2011.06.06
Title: 안녕하세요!!!미르입니다!!
여러분 오랜만이죠 ~ ? 미르예요 ~ +_+!!!
그동안 잘살고 계셨는지요,,,허허허허,,
저도 오랜만에 들어와보네요 ~ 꺄하하하 ~ !!!
컴백전까지 모든소셜네트워크를 끊는다고 했는데 오늘은 엠블랙 600일이잔아요 ~ !!!꺄훌!!!
방금 엠블랙 첫방송 오예 무대를봤는데 어찌나 손이 오글오글 거리던지,,,,
그래도 벌써 600일이네요 ~ 허허허,,
1일부터 함께했던 분들도 계실테고 100일,200일,300일때부터 함께하셨던분들 모두 감사드려요 ~ ^^
항상 힘이되고 든든하고 그래요,,,ㅎㅎ
앞으로도 쭉가요 ~ ^^ 그리고 요즘 저희의 근황을 궁금해하시는분들 많으실꺼예요 ~ +_+!!
저희는 쉴틈도 없이 이것저것 다하고있어요 ~ 앨범준비부터해서 콘서트연습도 하고있고 ~
개개인의 능력치를 향상 시키는것도 바쁘구요 ~ ㅎㅎ
아무튼!!!저희는 열심히 노력중이니깐요 ~ 저희믿고 항상 기다려주세요 ~ ^^!!!
날씨풀렸다고 방심하지마시구 ~ 항상 감기조심하시구 ~ 건강하셔야되요~ +_+!!!!
p.s 저희는 65일안에 등장하겠습니다,,
Mir’s Cafe Entry
Everyone it’s been a while~ It’s Mir ~ +_+!!!
You guys have been doing good, right… hehehe
It’s been a while since I’ve come ~ kekekeke~!!!
I said that I would stop using Social Networks until our comeback but today is MBLAQ’s 600th day anniversary~ Woohoo!!!
I just watched MBLAQ’s Oh Yeah debut stage, I feel so embarrassed…
Nevertheless, today is our 600th day~ hehehhe…
To our fans since our first day, our 100th day, our 200th day, our 300th day…I want to give all our thanks~^^
You guys always give us strength and make us proud…hehe
Let’s keep going together~^^ And there’s probably people who are wondering what we are doing right now~+_+!!!
We are doing a lot of things right now with no time to rest~ With our preparations for our album and our concert~
We’re also busy preparing our individual skills~ hehe
We can’t even breathe right now…*gasp* *gasp* *gasp*
Anyways!!! We’re working very hard right now~ So please believe in us and keep waiting for us~^^!!!
Dress warmly according to the weather~and be careful of getting sick~ and stay healthy~+_+!!!!
Bye Bye!!!
p.s. We will comeback in 65 days…
TRANSLATION: Lovelyjoonie@AbsoluteMBLAQ
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