[INFO] Happy Pledis Summer 2011 Audition

2011 Summer Vacation - - ”HAPPY PLEDIS” AUDITION

Pledis Entertainment the home of Son Dambi, After School, Orange Caramel and the After School Boys (tentative name) will be holding auditions this summer for individuals to be featured in the upcoming “Happy PLEDIS album”.

Schedule/Auditions will take place as follows:

Applications will be received from: Mon, July 18 to Sun, Aug 7
First Announcement of accepted applicants - Tues, August 9
Second round of auditions - Sat, August 13
Second Announcement of accepted applicants - Tues, August 16
Third In-depth audition - Thurs, August 18
Final Announcement with winning candidates - Sat, August 20

Eligibility: Ten to Twenty years of age [Korean, Chinese, Japanese, etc …]

Support areas: singing, dancing, acting, and modelling

Profile Requirements: name, age, gender, height, weight, pictures - full length (body) and a Close-up shot

To apply email: happyaudition@pledis.co.kr or www.cyworld.com /happyaudition

Info via: mydream111 Trans: ASD
posted by:Iceprinceafterschool @as-afterparty