[News] B2ST’s “On Rainy Days” is judged unfit to be listened to by teenagers

On July 14, the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family judged “On Rainy Days,” one of the songs from B2ST’s first regular album, as a harmful content for teenagers on the grounds that some words are likely to encourage the youth to drink alcohol: “I’m a little tipsy today. I’d better stop here.”

On July 18, Yo Seob, one of the members of B2ST, tweeted a comment against the judgment: “From now on, I’ll try only to sing children’s songs. How can they view it as a harmful content? Isn’t it going too far? It means that we can’t sing the song on stage, right? It’s unbelievable!”

Meanwhile, the list of harmful contents released by the Ministry also included Jay Park’s “Don’t Let Go,” After School’s “Funky Man,” and Hu Yeong Saeng’s “Out the Club.”

By Jang Yeong-jun (jjuny54@tvreport.co.kr)

Source: TVreport (Original article in Korean)
Photo from TVreport
Translated by Geum Jae / Korea.com