[News] Dana and Sunday, along with f(x)’s Sulli, takes a photo to celebrate Dana’s birthday

Dana recently came out with a new album of The Brace, a project group of Dana and Sunday. When Dana had her birthday, her celebrity friends threw a birthday party for her.

On July 17, Dana posted a link to a photo on Twitter with the comment: “My good friend, Sulli, presented me a pretty cake to celebrate my birthday. Thanks a lot.”

The scene of Sunday and Sulli holding a birthday cake with Dana standing between them was captured in the greenroom of SBS’s music live show Popular Song. Sulli is one of the emcees of the show.

Fans who watched the photo said: “All three of them look very beautiful.” “You seem to share a great friendship.”

Dana and Sunday released their project album on July 11, passionately carrying out various activities with its title song “One More Chance.”

By Jeon Seon-ha (sunha@tvreport.co.kr)

Source: TVreport (Original article in Korean)
Photo from TVreport
Translated by Geum Jae / Korea.com