[News] JYJ Kim Junsu – “The Mozart of 300 years ago is like my friend”

The Musical ’s encore performances of JYJ Kim Junsu have successfully finished.

Last year, on the first day of Mozart! Ticket sales, all the seats of Kim Junsu’s stages were sold out in only 3 seconds (T/N: It must be a mistake here, the tickets were actually sold out in only 3 hours). Meanwhile, he emerged like a new icon of the musical world by sweeping the Rookie awards at “The Musical Awards” and “Korea Musical Award”.

Also, with stable and sincere acting and singing ability, Kim Junsu received positive reviews from the audiences, and was said to have revitalized the stagnant world of musicals.

On the stage of Musical < Mozart!>’s encore performances, Kim Junsu drew a standing ovation and cheers from the audiences for his special singing method and sorrowful acting, which showed variable emotions such as joy, sorrow, anger, etc.

Kim Junsu revealed after his last performance, “It has been like that from the beginning but I was happy to be together with the life of Mozart,” and “the Mozart who has lived 300 years ago is like my friend. He has special meaning to me.”

He also said, “To let go of Mozart once again, I feel strange and my heart is silent,” and “I am sincerely thankful to all the audiences for their sympathy and their warm response, so that I can pull off 120% acting as Mozart.”

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Source: http://news.nate.com/view/20110704n15825
Translation credit: The_Little_Pear
Shared by: JYJ3