[News] “They Appointed them as Honorary Ambassadors and then Used them!” JYJʼs Legal Battle on Full-Scale

The cancellation notice of KBSʼs TV special on 7 World Wonders…protest comment call Jeju a disgrace.

Appointed as honorary ambassadors to the 7 World Wonders, Hallyu Wave stars JYJ (Kim Jaejoong, Park Yoochun, and Kim Junsu), have sparked controversy among thousands of people over clarification for the cancellation of their performances by KBS as well as recent legal action.

With JYJʼs agencyʼs legal action as well as the storm of protests from fans, a strike against the image of [Jeju] island is inevitable.

On the 16th, JYJʼs entertainment agency, CJeS, reported that they received a unilateral notification regarding the cancellation of participation in the KBS Jeju Special Broadcast.

Last May, Jeju officially appointed Hallyu Stars JYJ as GoodWill Ambassadors of the 7 World Wonders in order to improve voter participation throughout Asia.

The date in which CJeS received an email confirming JYJʼs roles as honorary ambassadors as well as the reasons behind why they were chosen was April 26th.

Because at the time JYJ were on their world tour and would not be able to participate in appointment procedures, CJeS declined the offer.

However, Jeju stated that there would be a special program in July in which appointment procedures would be carried out in, and asked for JYJ to begin promotions for Jeju since they needed higher publicity.

On May 4th, the Jeju Island Government released through the press a statement about appointing [JYJ as] their new Honorary Ambassadors.

KBS then scheduled a TV broadcast entitled “Wishing for the 7 World Wonders” to be held on July 20th.

JYJ originally was to participate in this Special Jeju Broadcast concert, performing two of their songs.

However, on the 16th, 4 days before the performance, CJeS was delivered a sudden unilateral notification of cancellation from KBS.

CJeS stated “The reason we received was that if JYJ appears, it might not be possible to air the program” and that “JYJ has been active in their promotion duties, however we have received a unilateral cancellation notice from KBS Jeju.”

They followed by saying “Since the program, Wishing for 7 World Wonders, was meant to be for the appointment of JeJu and also because JYJ have been selected as honorary ambassadors for this cause and have been promoting for 3 months, we require an official position regarding the cancellation.”

CJeS said “we will report KBS Jeju, who have sent a unilateral cancellation notification, to the Korean Fair Trade Comission”

Because of such news, Jeju, the Jeju Provisional Government, and the Jeju official forums, have been hit with with a storm of negative comments.

Indignant commenters stated “This kind of behavior is an embarrassment to the citizens of Jeju and should not be shown again” as well as “I am now canceling my plane tickets to Jeju and have no plans of revisiting in the future!”

CJeS said in this regard “We will take legal action against this situation, in which JYJ were promised to be included in a special broadcast program for their appointment, but were cheated by a unilateral cancellation after they were used for promotional purposes”.

In addition they stated “JYJʼs current lawsuit is a civil lawsuit based on unfair contracts.” and “no matter the situation, as Korean citizens, JYJ will continue to promote Jeju for the 7 World Wonders”

Some comments left by Korean netizens on this article include: “There is a lack of common sense, this is indeed absurd”

Ambassadors who work hard to promote for urgent publicity as well as gather fans support will get a unilateral cancellation notification from KBS as well? It seems the KBS Public Broadcast and the Jeju Provincial Government are really promoting fraud and deceit

“I am a fan of JYJ and really disappointed what happened. I donʼt think I will visit JEJU again, never” (english comment)

Source: MediaJeju
Translated by: DoctorJaee of JYJ3
Shared by: DBSKnights