[News] U-ie for Le Coq Sportif – Golf is the Secret to a Slim Waist?

Since U-ie was recently voted as having the best swimsuit body out of female idols it’s no surprise people want her diet tips. Though she has always been known for her healthy body type, new pictures of U-ie have some fans asking, “U-ie, right?” due to her new eye catching waistline.

During U-ie’s recent photo-shoot for ‘Le Coq Sportif’ she caught the eyes of everyone on set due to her pure beauty and was asked the secret to her slim waist. U-ie replied her body type was due to her mother packing her lunch with healthy food and doing yoga combined with her recent golf lessons. All these things helped to create her solid but slim body type. While on the photo-shoot set U-ie demonstrated what she learned by showing off a cool swing just like pro. Her golf drama ‘Birdie Buddy’ is set to air on tvN this August along with the drama ‘Ojakgyo Brothers’ which is currently being filmed.

Though U-ie already has a packed schedule with filming the ‘Ojakgyo Brothers’ drama and other activities she is also currently spending time practicing with her sub-unit AS Red for their first music stage.

Source: chosun + Paran Blurb: ASD