[NEWS] Lizzy answers questions from Playgirlz!

Fans got a chance to send Lizzy questions through the twitter:@ sdongenter last night.Over the next few days,you guys can still ask Lizzy questions through that twitter account and maybe,she will reply you!.....Im still waiting for mine to be replied

Below are some of the questions Playgirlz asked Lizzy and are translated by afterschooldaze :

Fan: 리지씨가생각하는 자신의매력은????? What do you think your charm is?????

Lizzy: 팜므파탈입니다 제가… I’m a femme fetale…

Fan: 리지언니~ 가장 존경하는 분이나 가장 좋아하는 가수는 어떤 분이신가요? Lizzy Unni ~ who do you most admire or is your favorite singer?

Lizzy: 재석이오빠 호동이오빠 그리고 오프라윈프리요-^^! My Oppas Ho-dong and Jae seok (MC’s) and Oprah Winfrey- ^^!

Fan: 막내 담당이 없어져 버렸습 니다만, 지금은 무엇 담당합니까^^? You are no longer the youngest, what are you in charge of now ^^?

Lizzy: 아잉^.~v을 담당하고있어요 I’m in charge of ‘Ah~ing’ ^. ~ v

Fan: 리지언니~ 다른 그룹 멤버들중에 누구랑 제일 친하세용?? 저번에 보니까 썰리언니랑 깡지언니랑 친해보이시는것같던뎅…히히♥ Lizzy, [Missing some words]who among other group members do you like the best/are friends with…?

Lizzy: 엠버도친해요~^__^! I’m pro (Friends with) amber ~^__^!

Fan: 가수가 안됐다면 뭐하셨을 꺼예요???????????ㅎㅎ If you weren’t a singer what would you hope to do? ???????????ㅎㅎ

Lizzy: 아나운서나 쇼핑호스트가 되고싶었어요^^ An announcer or host of a shopping show ^^

For more,please visit:afterschooldaze

YAY!....Lizzy does quite a lot of fanservice nowadays.From those Ah-ing moments and now personally answering questions from Playgirlz?......THEY DO KNOW WE EXIST!.Ok...now I'm gonna spam that account until Lizzy replies me.


Shared By:RaNaLi@AS-Afterparty