[Twitter] Ryeowook wants Heechul to get jealous.. of Hyungsik?

Ryewook said on twitter that his good friend Hyungsik (ZE:A) will visit their (SJ) dorm tonight.

Heechul then started looking for Ryeowook...

This is the conversation earlier:

@Heedictator: @ryeong9 Ryeowook ah You went out to meet Hyungsikie? Tell him come with Heechulie to play at dorm

@ryeong9: @Heedictator Hyung I'm in the room next to you ㅋㅋ

@Heedictator: @ryeong9 I asked Donghae "Ya Ryeowookie went to meet Hyungsikie again??" ㅋㅋYa But still the point that hyung(I) looked for you is very precious, right?ㅋㅋ

@ryeong9: @donghae861015 Hyung where did you go? ? Hyungsikie is on the way coming (to our dorm)ㅋㅋㅋ I'm awake ㅠ I can't sleep hng(like sobbing)

And they uploaded each others photo~~

@Heedictator: Title : Kim Ryeowook who is eating the watermelon which brought by Hyungsikie in his mouth http://twitpic.com/62zmhw

@ryeong9: Title : Heenim who has exhibitionism, just came out like this after showering ㅋㅋ I will dote him(Hyungsik) more than how Hyung(heenim) likes Hongki. HyungsikHyungsikHyungsikHyungsik twitpic.com/62znuw

Source: Ryeowook and Heechul's twitter

Translated by Jinn8812elf

Written by shaynekay@dkpopnews.net