[NEWS] MBLAQ is ranked on 1st place in Bulgarian Chart by surpassing Justin Bieber

MBLAQ was ranked on top in Bulgarian music website.

According to J.Tune Camp on 9th, MBLAQ's new song 'Mona Lisa' was ranked on 1st place in Bulgarian music program
POPCORE.TV by surpassing worldwide famous celebrities such as Chris Brown, Justin Bieber, and Selena Gomez.

'Mona Lisa' has shown constant rising on a chart as the song ranked on 9th in August 15th and rose up to
the third in 16th.

J.Tune Camp staff has said "MBLAQ's strong music and fashion style must have been able to attract European fans.
Fans' demands to open the concert in South America is never ending."

Original article link:http://news.nate.com.../20110909n18639
Translated and reupload by seunghoeyecandy@mblaqattack