[NEWS] 'Who is calling them chic-dols' MBLAQ's Tweet Commotion

*caption of picture*:A picture with hidden humor that is making a hot sensation/MBC Every1 Idol Army Broadcast Capture

'Chic-dols' MBLAQ are creating a sensation by being 'Twitter Gag-dols'.

Recently, in the category of tweets, MBLAQ's tweet commotion is rising in popularity. This is MBLAQ excluding Joon, which includes Seungho, G.O., Thunder, and Mir who are uploading pictures of each other and making fun of each other and revealing it to the fans. With no secrets to hide, these 'Gag-dols' are creating a hot topic on the internet.

On the past 3rd of October, the members had a battle for the concept of sexy pictures. On Twitter, G.O. said, "Sexy man concept," and uploaded a picture of himself. Seeing this, Thunder responded with, "I am sexy man concept too," and "I think I'm sexier than G.O. hyung," also uploading a selca of himself. (selca= self camera)

At this moment, G.O. said to Mir, "Don't you have anything sexy?", and Mir replied, "I can't believe this, look at these sexy arm muscles," and uploaded a picture of himself. However, Thunder chicly replied, "It looks like a regular arm," causing a lot of laughter.

Then, Mir turned the arrow to the leader. He said, "Now Yang Seungho and Lee Changsun (Lee Joon) need to upload one. Are you watching, Seungho hyung?" Right then, Seungho acted like he was waiting his turn and tweeted, "Let's be sexy," and uploaded a cool picture of himself.

Again, Thunder led the commotion. He tweeted, "Hyung is sexiest in this pose," and exposed an embarrassing picture of Seungho. Of course, G.O. tweeted, "Seungho was sexiest at this time. Look at those lips," and also uploaded an embarrassing picture of Seungho. However, Seungho was probably not feeling too happy at that time.

Mir tweeted, "Seungho hyung and I use the same room, but all of a sudden he screamed and ran out. I was wondering what was going on so I followed him out and I saw Thunder hyung's defeat," and revealed a picture of Seungho having revenge on Thunder for uploading an embarrassing picture. Then he tweeted, "Friends are no exception," and caused a lot of laughter to the netizens by uploading a live picture of Seungho punishing G.O. for the same reason.

There was also a time before this where MBLAQ gave enjoyment to the fans by making fun of Mir's hairstyle. They were able to show their comfortable relationships with each other, and still give laughter to the fans.
They amaze the fans especially when they are 'chic-dols' with sexy charisma on stage, and friendly neighborhood brothers off the stage. Right now, the collections of MBLAQ's fun tweet conversations are ranking high on internet search topics.

On another note, MBLAQ is making a hot topic as singer Rain's prodigies who debuted in 2009 with 'Oh Yeah'. After debuting, they created hot commotions with 'Y', 'Mona Lisa', and 'I Don't Know'. They originally planned to come back in November, but due to album producing issues, the comeback has been slightly postponed.

SOURCE: Nate News
TRANSLATION: Lovelyjoonie@AbsoluteMBLAQ

-----IMPT. INFO---

"They originally planned to come back in November, but due to album producing issues, the comeback has been slightly postponed."