[NEWS] JYJ and T-ara, the most beautiful idols

The combined photos of idol groups is fast becoming a big hit on the internet. (From top to bottom: Female-f(x), SNSD, T-ara. Male- SHINee, MBLAQ, JYJ)

The photos above were posted on an online community board under the title, “Idols average looks.”

On the board, there were photos of JYJ, SHINee, 2pm, and MBLAQ and among female idol groups There were T-ara, f(x), and SNSD.

The poster stated, “Most them are good looking people, so naturally most photos came out nicely, but there are some groups that look quite unique.”

The group that stood out among the male groups was JYJ. Their well defined facial features and their fiery red lip colors produced simply a breathtaking photo.

Opinions vary, but among female groups most netizens seem to agree that T-ara looked the best. Their round eyes and the innocent looking face was a big hit among the male fans.

After seeing the photos the netizens commented, “These combined photos are kind of fun”, “It would be awesome to see a real person with one of those faces”, “The best looking among them all are JYJ and T-ara”, and based on the opinions of most netizens, it seemed that this round went to JYJ and T-ara.

Source: Star Today via Naver
Credit: kpopfever
Shared by: JYJ3