[News] Sungmin receives wedding invitation from Leeteuk

Looks like it's all set. Super Junior's leader is getting married! He started to send out wedding invitations to his members.

Super Junior Sungmin receives his invitation and very generous enough to share it to us. He wrote on his blog:


Leeteuk is getting married~
He said that and sent me the wedding invitationㅠㅠ


I'm a little bit jealous~ㅋㅋ

Well, I'm going to congratulate him first..!^^

The bride is pretty(?)...ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Let's congratulate them and see whether or not they live together happily~^^ㅋㅋ


The wedding invitation reads:


'Teukie" is finally getting married.
My bride is "a beautiful actress."

I turned twenty-nine this year.
As one woman's man and not as Super Junior's Leeteuk,
I want to make her happy.

We two people's wedding..
Please watch over us and support us!

Groom Leeteuk
Bride Pretty

Source: Sungmin's blog

Translated by Minnie @ SUJUISM.BLOGSPOT.COM

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So, let's wish Leeteuk to have a happy married life with his "Bride Pretty" who is none other than Kang Sora. New We Got Married couple, fighting!
NOTE: Don't ask permission from DKP, ask permission to the linked translator.