[Twitter] “Kang Shinwoo” sends a greeting after 2 years!

여러분벌써2년이네요!하루 늦은 감사 인사지만 ㅋㅋㅋ앞으로도열심히하겠습니다! 신우님은 잘계시는지…하하하 앞으로도 기대많이해주세요 화이팅! http://yfrog.com/z/nu8xoej

[Trans] Everyone, it has been two years! But I’m a day late.. kkk.. I will do better after this! Mr Kang Shin Woo is doing fine… hahaha.. In the future please look forward to us. Hwaiting!

Source: @CNBLUE_4
Translated by: fizzy @ cnbluestorm

*** Kang Shin Woo is Yonghwa's character in his first debut drama "You're Beautiful" with Park ShinHye, Kang Geun Seok and Lee HongKi.