[Twitter] Xander advices girls to not get tattoos

Former U-Kiss member Xander advices girls not to get tattoos.
He tweeted,

"I don't think girls should get tattoos. It might look cool but, think about when u become old. n removing it is PAINFUL. Juz get a ″hana″ :)"

"Henna? Temporary tattoo~ Fake tattoo that lasts for months? LOL~ Well, if ya mentor is Jesus too, then call me Xander 선배 (sunbae)~ :P"

Boys?? I dun care... let them ruin their skins so I could be the cleanest~ LOL! If u hv tattoo already, it's fine. juz dun tattoo a LOT~ :)"

Don't you agree? Girls should not get tattoos. Temporary tattoos will do. So let's hear it from Xander girls.

Source: alexander_0729
Written by shaynekay@dkpopnews.net