[INFO] Notification about holding the event (Spread the warmth of Love) to commemorate release of 4th Single Album

Venue: Zepp Fukuoka
Date: 7th December (Wednesday)
Admission Ticket distribution time: 12:00~ 16:00
Starting of event: 17:00
End of event: 18:30

Venue: Aichi Club Diamond Hall
Date: 8th December (Thursday)
Admission Ticket distribution time:12:00~16:00
Starting of event: 17:00
Ending of event: 19:00

Venue: Hokkaido Penny Lane 24
Date: 9th December (Friday)
Admission ticket distribution time: 12:00~16:00
Starting of event: 17:00
Ending of event: 18:30

Venue: Kanagawa Lazona Kawasaki Plaza
Date: 10th December (Saturday)
Admission ticket distribution time: 08:00~11:00
Starting of event: 12:00~(First)

Venue: Senry Chuo Selcy
Date: 11th December (Sunday)
Starting of event: 12:00~(First)

※The admission ticket distributed in Fukuoka, Aichi, Hokkaido, and other venues are used only to enter the event.
This is to prevent the traffic jam/crowding around the venue, which means that it won't give you priority to participate
the event.
※In the venue of Kanagawa, you can participate in the event without the admission ticket, but you will have to que up behind
those who has the ticket and it is not decided whether you can take part in the event on 12:00 or 16:00.

[Warnings in the venue]
-Bring the participation form with you on the event day.
-One participation form will allow you to participate only once at the event.
-A person who has two participation form has to follow the staff to the back of the que after the event to participate the event
-In case you lost the participation form, it is impossible to provide you another one, so please be warned about this.
-The event might be cancelled under some hazard/condition without a notice.
-The act of securing seats or blocking the way by placing any of your things is banned as it might disturb other people.
-Filming/recording the event is banned during the event.
-There is a possibility that our entertainment company/media will film the event, so please understand it.
-Don't give letter/present directly to the singers. The letters/presents can be delivered to the singers through the staffs.
-The staffs might touch your shoulder or arm while guiding you to correct places/que, so please be aware of it.
-The participation form is taken away after being used.
-We don't take responsibility of theft/accident that happened inside/outside of the venue.
-There might be various restrictions during the event to prevent accidents and troubles.
-Please follow the rules set by the staffs during the event.
-The event might stop if anything that opposes to the warning happens.

[Kawasaki venue* Osaka venue event]
Mini LIVE (Anyone can watch as it is conducted outside, in a free space.)
Spread the warmth of Love (Open to people who has the participation form.)

[Fukuoka* Aichi* Hokkaido venue events]
[Events hosted]
Spread the warmth of Love (Open to people who has the participatio form.)
Limited mini LIVE (Open only to people who has been selected through lucky draw
during the event)

[Warnings about the Limited mini LIVE]
-Open only to those who has been selected through the lucky draw. A person
who has more than 1 participation form can participate in the lucky draw more
than once.
-People who are selected are invited to the Limited mini LIVE conducted after
the event.
-Only the one who has been selected can participate in the mini LIVE.
-The time of the mini LIVE varies from each venue. The time will be announced at
the event day.
-A person who is 6 years below can't enter the Limited mini LIVE. Which means
a person who is 6 years below can't take part in the lucky draw.

[Present for those who participated]
-Love Days album which will be released on 7th December 2011.
Love Days Limited A ¥1,800 (Tax included) SRCL-78256
Love Days Limited B ¥1,500 (Tax included) SRCL-78278
Limited Eddition ¥1,200 (Tax included) SRCL-7829

Source: The Boss fanclub at Daum
Traslation: Hee Sang@ AstroMAFIA