[News] IU talks about her accident from "2011 MelOn Music Awards"

On November 24th, IU attended the 2011 Melon Music Awards in which she won the "Best Song of the Year" award for her popular hit "Good Day". However, as she walked towards the stage to receive the award, IU had a minor slip and fell down the stage.

IU's accident has been a hot topic online, as photos and videos of her fall were uploaded in various news sites and community portals.

Reassuring that she's okay, IU left message on her official fancafe to ease her worried fans and to thank them for their love and support.

Everyone... I.. am here....kekeke
I.. wasn't thinking and didn't thank all my fans during my award acceptance speech....I don't know how to face all of you..
Feels like I'll be hunted down..I really wasn't thinking straight...ㅠ0ㅠ
Sorry ㅜㅜ.. Thank you so much to all my fans!!!!
Ah..now I'm at home!! Now I can just be myself and snicker to myself on the way home..hehe
I even performed how to fall down. Yes that's right!!!...
No really, I was actually really touched so I sank to the floor..
Or because the journey to receiving my award was really long so I took a short break and sat down to rest..
Of course that was it!!!! It's a good day everyone ~~~~~~!!!kekekeke
I don't even know if there will be another day in future that I'll receive such a huge award again!
I wanted to present a more good-looking and brilliant image so everyone would be proud of me but.. sorry..ㅠ0ㅠ laughing and crying..
These days are you checking out the audio previews for the new tracks? Really teasing us to desire more!!!keke
The company refuses to tell me which song will be released on which day, so I'm entering the Loen homepage everyday with feelings of apprehension too kekeke Next week, the album will be out.
Ah today since I received the award for my Real album, I would have paid my respects to the real album, right... keke It's almost been a year of singing 'Good Day' and everyday has truly been a good day and even receiving an award for it, it seems to have really caused a wave...keke I'm feeling good!
Since I'm feeling really good, shall we all trip and fall together? keke good night!! Thank you, lovely U-ana!! I'll work even harder!!!Oom~~mah♥

Source: weheartiu
Written by: jhezwafu @dkpopnews.net