[TRANS/TWITTER] B1A4’s sunbae and choreographer showed their supports for “MY LOVE” !!

On November 18th, B1A4’s sunbae and choreographer @onewaychance showed their supports for B1A4!

Read the translation below.

@onewaychance : 우리 b1a4 동생들의 새로운 곡 ‘마이러브’ 많이 사랑해주세요!!!
please give a lot of love for our dongsaengs B1A4’s new single ‘my love’!!
@B1A4_JINYOUNG: @onewaychance 형 저희 방송 보셨어요~!?
 Hyung, you watched the broadcast (performance)~!?
@brianhamski : @onewaychance 사랑해요!!b1a4~!!my love~~~
I love you!!b1a4~!!my love~~~

Source: Oneway’s chance, Jinyoung, junseokham’s twitter
trans cr: princess Angel @ AVIATEB1A4