[Video/Trans] KARA's ultimate fan, Gekidan Hitori!

A famous Japanese comedian Gekidan Hitori is known to be a big fan of KARA

Shingo: Are you knowledgeable about other groups besides KARA?
Gekidan Hitori: I’m sorry, but I don’t know anything at all about K-Pop. Only KARA.
Shingo: Do you ever cheat on them with another group?
Gekidan Hitori: Sometimes, I look at AKB and go “Oh!” but I tell myself “No, no, no! It’s KARA for me. 
I’m a  Kamilia.” Kamilia is a combination of KARA and familia. KARA fans are called Kamilias. 
Shingo: Who is your favorite?
Gekidan Hitori: I can’t say that. If I mention one person’s name, I think the other 4 would be hurt, so I’m 
taking that to the grave. I’m thinking about writing it on my gravestone, my preference. 
Shingo: Ok, we got Kamilia, so how about a group that you’re a little interested in, even just a little?
Gekidan Hitori: I’m going to have to write that on my gravestone. 
Shingo: Gosh, you really won’t say!

Source: 0329KARA5