Why did Hyuna cry?

Hyunah could not stop her tears while confessing her feelings towards her groupmates.

In the latest episode of 4minute's Travel Maker, 4minute shared their innermost feelings with each other. Hyunah revealed her thoughts on her group, "I'm very proud of 4minute. No matter how others criticize us, I believe all five of us are amazing individuals." Hyunah began to tear up as she continued on, "I think we're all irreplaceable. Just like when Gayoon-unnie was sick or when I was sick, we were all so worried and we found it hard to continue on even with four other members."

In an attempt to hide her tears, Hyunah put on her sunglasses, but when her tears fell even harder, she added, "I don't know why I can't stop crying like this."

She continued to profess, "Don't get sick and weary, guys. Let's hold on and keep going with one heart and one goal, just like we are now."

Seeing Hyunah's teary confession, the other members could not hold back their tears as well.

4minute maknae Sohyun also revealed, "I want 4minute to stay together forever, but if it doesn't work out the way we want it to, I hope we'll still be close. I want us to live in the same area or even the same building, and we can always meet up and see each other often. I don't want us to ever drift apart."

Viewers who saw 4minute's touching confessions left comments such as, "She seems to be really close with her members", "They all care for each other so much", and "Hyunah's tears seem very genuine."

Source: Daum
Translating + Editing + Reporting: applemango @ 4-minute.com