B1A4 (PART 2)- Charging straight ahead for invasion of their places!

After debuting last year with their first album Let’s Fly and a fresh youthful image, they have successfully secured themselves with 110,000 hardcore fans with short gaps in between their successive albums. Within 1 year, they have been receiving an unusual amount of unconditional love much like popular idol groups. B1A4 consists of 1 member with blood type B and 4 members with blood type A. They have magnificent stage presence and unwavering vocal abilities, but in other places they are definitely teens in their 20s. Part 1 of B1A4′s behind-the-scenes stories is told personally by Baro.

Here is front of B1A4’s practice room.
The sound of music is coming through the door  The star of the music has his headphones on and is working hard composing songs. He who does not even realize who is entering, and is fully concentrated on composing! That is Jinyoung hyung. This is hyung’s workplace, also known as ‘B1A4 room’.

Even when he does not have his headphones on, Jinyoung hyung is unable to hear people calling out to him whenever he composes. That is how concentrated he is. There have been more than once or twice that we have been frustrated with hyung’s personality. But now, we can understand each others by looking in the eyes. Maybe it’s because the time we spend with each other has grown.

The practice room, just like a place to compose music, has many equipments and instruments. Even though this place is only made up of a computer, a mic, speakers and keyboards, this is heaven to Jinyoung hyung. Jinyoung hyung talks about music with the members everyday here, and discusses about the team too. He spends most of his time here with music.

To hyung, the practice room is the most comfortable place for him to spend long hours in. On one side of the walls, there are various things on display. There are sculptures, paper dolls and things filled with devotion. A variety of things who do not seem to suit men.

However, the gifts from fans are important to us. We feel so thankful for receiving those gifts so we always place them around us. They can cheer us up better than any words. (Even so, stop sending us gifts! Focus on your own work, and always cheer us on from far away! Just that is enough ㅋㅋ)

Recently, the topic is about our solo concert held at the end of the year. The members gather and sit on the floor of the practice room, and discuss seriously. It (the concert) is something we’ve wanted to have since our debut, so the members all stop joking and discuss seriously.

But the moment the meeting ends, we all go back to how we are usually. Even when I think about it, I think we fool around a lot. We start to find solace in our bright personalities.

You’re curious about our practice room and dorm, right?
Which place of ours would the fans be curious about? They might be curious about the practice room, but I think they are more curious about our dorm. The first thing to welcome us at the hallway is the manly(?) scent and tightly packed shoes. Please don’t judge the interior of our dorm by the untidy hallway. “A place with only men living in would be a reminder of how jail is like.” We will make sure this thought flies away cleanly with the cleanly organized interior of our dorm.

“Do we always really live so tidily?” Honestly speaking, we had a recording several few days ago in the dorm so we urgently cleaned our dorm the day before. Actually, rather than being clean, our dorm is an untidy one. Let’s take a peek at our wardrobe room to prove that.

This room looks tidy with the help with the closet, but if you look hard enough, the clothes are in a mess. We are gentle and detailed, but when you look at us during times like these, I feel like the blood of natural men(?) still flows in us. We each get a drawer in the white chest of drawers next to the closet. Even though there’s no names put on the drawers, we know whose drawer it is by opening and seeing what is inside the drawer. So, who’s the owner of this blue Bear! Doll! Pajamas? We will leave it to everyone to imagine.

Next, I will introduce to you our make-up room. The variety of cosmetics for men here is huge. As our skin types are different, so we have to use different products. There is a huge variety of products even for 5 people to use.

Here too, there is a zone for each of us. At one glance it may seem like a place that has been divided through organization, but for us the zone have an invisible divider. It is a method devised by ourselves for the effective usage (of cosmetics) when living together.

The fun trip to our Malaysia performance!
We just returned from a visit to Malaysia. It was for the promotion of ‘B1A4 Super Hits Malaysia Special Edition’, containing all the songs we have released so far. The biggest trouble when going overseas is packing. Everyone is busy going back and forth in the dorm packing. As I watch them pack, I found out that the way we pack is different depending on that person’s personality.

Despite his exhaustive perfectionist self when he is working, Jinyoung hyung is surprisingly a black hole when it comes to living. Upon being asked to pack, he put several sets of underwear, headphones and iPad into his bag and laid down and listened to music. Whoever looked at CNU hyung would have thought he was packing to leave for several months. Pajamas, spare clothes, underwear, toiletries, cosmetics, glasses, lenses, earphones, notebook and many more in his bag.

Sandeul, who has found interest in photography recently, put the camera into his bag first. Then he put in his glasses and lenses. He ended his packing with one sentence, “Baro, let’s share and use the same things!”. Keu.. I got bluffed!

As for me, I did not pack things that I can borrow or purchase there. I will pack only the necessities. Lastly, we will never find out what maknae Gongchan packed. I did not see him pack his stuff, but before I knew it he had already zipped his bag and was doing something first. The more I look at him, the more I am impressed. How did he even pack so quickly, I am surprised.

And before we know it, we’re heading straight towards the venue for Malaysia’s ONEFM THE ONE concert!
We haven’t had a day off to rest recently, so in order to recover from the busy schedule, we fall asleep as soon as we board the plane. But in the time that CNU hyung and Sandeul were awake, they showed off their teeth and fell into the trap of taking selcas. They’re Energizer(battery brand)…

Right before the performance in the waiting room, CNU hyung said that his leg hurt. Gongchan worked hard and gave his hyung a massage. But CNU hyung, for some reason, does not look refreshed. Did he give a massage, or did he torture him…

Under the command of Jinyoung hyung, we finished preparing for the performance and interview. Finally, time for the stage. We felt so satisfied to be around the cheers of the fans and the flashlights of the reports. After singing 4 songs, Beautiful Target, Baby I’m Sorry, Baby Goodnight and O.K, we ended the show with a finale.

We recorded a 8tv program, did a live radio broadcast with ONEFM, and had a high-touch fanmeeting with 430 fans. To be able to meet with Malaysian fans in so many ways made us realize how the popularity of K-POP has changed. And with that, all the promotional events ended successfully.

I had many thoughts when I was on the plane back to Korea. I have the greed, to practice hard and show an even more perfect image at our own concert in the end of this year to our fanclub BANA. With that mindset, I thought “I want to hurry return to Korea.”

I’ve been telling you about our appearances until now, so shall we talk about our feelings and hidden skills now? Please look forward to Part 3..ㅋㅋ

Source: Naver News, GLYNX @ FLIGHTB1A4.com
Translation Credits: Creamaya, skipfire @ FLIGHTB1A4.com