Completely Close to B1A4

B1A4, whose popularity in Asia has risen quickly as if they rode on rockets has, after many requests from TRENDY, finally agreed to this exclusive interview and photo shoot amidst their busy schedules!

It has been a year since TRENDY's last interview with B1A4. B1A4, who seemed to move forward and grow at the speed of light without stopping, naturally rose rapidly in popularity in 2011. At the relentless requests of readers and TRENDY's never ending invitations, finally, these flower boys, whose performance is getting more and more excellent, managed to take some time from their packed schedule to be interviewed by us! Of course, TRENDY has to take the opportunity to have a good talk with B1A4! Everyone, quickly follow TRENDY and together we'll stick close to B1A4~

TRENDY (T): Can B1A4, whom TRENDY readers have not seen from a long time, tell us what you've been busy with recently?

Jinyoung: It's been a long time since we've last asked after TRENDY's readers, is everyone well? Right now we've just finished the promotion activities for IGNITION SPECIAL EDITION 'BABY GOOD NIGHT', and in order to show everyone a better side of B1A4, we're currently working hard at preparing our next album, so every day's really busy for us.

CNU: Yes, although we've finished our promotion activities for our album, alongside preparations for another album, all our members will take the opportunities and work hard, participating in different programmes, often appearing in front of everyone. Right now, Sandeul's working hard in challenging performing in a musical, and Baro is now a regular guest on a radio show, and of course, we will participate in a number of variety shows. (laughs)

Gongchan: Also~ Also~ We've recently started 'becoming fathers'! Haha~ Actually, right now, we're in the midst of shooting a programme titled 'Hello~ BABY'! Although we're lacking in certain departments when it comes to being fathers, and there are lots of difficulties, we're working hard to become good fathers for the children. That's why right now, every day, B1A4's having days in which we 'miss our children'.

T: You've already started challenging filming the television programme 'Hello~ BABY', so within the members, who do B1A4 think will make the best model father?

Jinyoung: Up till now, I've always thought that I've been pretty good in playing my role as a father. So~ I think it should be me! (laughs) Actually, because I've got quite a bit of experience looking after my cousins, so I've got a bit of knowledge when it comes to dealing with children, and I'm able to properly handle sudden situations in a calm manner.

CNU: I think the best model father would be Baro. This is because from young, Baro has always been the king of children at home, and he understands what children like and need. Throughout the recording process of the show, he has been working hard learning about things to do with looking after children, and amongst all of us, he's the one that works the hardest at trying to become a good father. We all admire his seriousness in this.

Sandeul: I think the model father should be Baro! Baro's very knowledgeable about things to do with children, and he's also able to observe and adjust his way of guiding the children according to what the children want. Even though (it's just a small thing like) the look in the children's eyes, he will take notice of it, and that's why I feel that he's the best model father in B1A4.

Baro: The best model father... Ah... Gongchan? (laughs) My reason for choosing Gongchan is because usually, he often looks after the people around him, so when he's facing children, he pay attention to even the smallest detail. Even if it's not during the recording of the programme, the way he constantly thinks about the children really makes us feel warm.

Gongchan: I think that the model father should be Baro hyung. When he's playing happily with the children, it seems like he's playing with his friends, but when the children make a mistake, he will correct them and let them know where they went wrong, and to implement this is difficult, but it's very important.

T: What kind of father do B1A4 think they'll become?

Jinyoung: If I become a father in the future, I hope to be able to understand my kids, and my dream is to become a father who doesn't have any problems in communicating with his children!

CNU: I hope to be a father who's able to communicate well with his children, and even after they grow up, I hope to be able to be a father who's like a friend (to them).

Sandeul: I want to be like Baro, to be able to play happily with my children, and just by looking at the expression in my children's eyes I'd be able to understand them, and to be a father who's able to talk happily with small kids.

Baro: In the future, I hope to be able to play with my kids just like a friend, and although there's no pressure, I'd be a father who's respected by my children.

Gongchan: I'd like to be a father who's like a friend to my children, and I hope to be able to play happily with my children, and share the troubles they may face.

T: Within such a short time from your debut, you've released two mini albums, and released a full album THE B1A4 I [IGNITION], with rather good results. Please introduce B1A4's first album! In this album, the members have participated in the production and creation of many of the songs, please talk about these aspects too.

Jinyoung: Through 'THE B1A4 I IGNITION' and 'IGNITION SPECIAL EDITION', we wanted to let everyone have a taste of the passion and music unique to B1A4, and hoped to 'ignite' everyone's love for B1A4, so we used 'IGNITION' as the title of our first album. Within this album, we have songs of different genres, such as R&B, POP, HIP-HOP, URBAN, BALLAD, and we've got solo songs by Sandeul and Baro, and from this album, everyone can feel the different sides to B1A4, as well as B1A4's different musical colours. Of course, because of this album, we've worked hard to let everyone see a more mature side to us on stage.

Sandeul: This is the first time a solo song of mine, 'Crush', has been included in an album, and just like the song's title, it imagines the feelings of a me who has had a crush on someone for a long time, and yet be able to perform the song with a pure and frank feeling. More than trying to put a lot of feelings into singing love songs, it seems that one is better able to bring across a mournful feeling when one performs a love song with candidness.

Baro: Also, compared to the mini albums that we released before, us members' participation in this album is much higher, that's why it's also possible to say that we really love this album. Along with the title track, I've participated in writing the lyrics and in the composition in ten songs off the album. My first solo song in this album, 'Just Two of Us', seems like a love story just from looking at its name, but it's actually a story about a man and woman who's stuck in the lull period of their relationship (where they don't seem to love each other any more). I think that there will be number of people who've been in love, and have experienced such feelings will be able to identify with the sadness that the lyrics talk about. (laughs) Actually, during the process of preparing the album, exchanging our opinions and sharing our troubles, finishing the album a step at the time with the members, it was a really enjoyable process and I learnt a lot from it. It's also because of this that in terms of our music, it's almost as if we've become more mature.

CNU: Just like before, I participated in the writing of lyrics so as to be able to let everyone see a side of me that has improved from before. I worked hard, just like the rest of the members!

Gongchan: Another thing all of us participated in was the 'BABY GOOD NIGHT' MV. The unpredictable ending that had a twist was something that all of us thought of together. It seems that it had quite an impact on a fair amount of people, and everyone gave us a lot of interesting reactions, which made us happy. You'd have to watch until the end in order to know what it is~ Haha.

T: Your recently released title track, 'BABY GOOD NIGHT' has a rather special dance. Could you introduce this song, and if your fans would like to dance with B1A4, is there any part of the dance that they should pay attention to?

CNU: 'BABY GOOD NIGHT' is a song that tells the story of a playboy who, after coaxing his girlfriend to sleep, goes out late at night to escape from his normal life. It's a song that's a combination of retro and electronica, and right from the start it makes people want to hear more, and creates a deep impression with its bouncy rhythm.

Sandeul: Also, this is a song that shows a side of us that's complete different from when we were doing 'BABY I'M SORRY', so everyone will be able to see B1A4 change into cute playboys!

Jinyoung: If fans would like to dance with us, the most important thing is to be able to put the feeling of 'pleasure and happiness while escaping from one's everyday life' into their dance, and dance with cheerfulness.

Sandeul: In order to be able to give off the playboy vibe, so we needed to think of how to show off a bit of sexiness and charm, especially with the look in our eyes! (adorable blinking) Also, an important point is the part where we sing 'wo-oh oh oh~ oh oh~' during the 'dancing~ dancing~' refrain, we need to twist the lower part of our waist in a very charming manner.

CNU: Yes! Just like Sandeul said, with the step in which we use our lower waist, there's a feeling of wanting to tempt the other part by playing bad, and it'll only work if we show our most charming dance!

Baro: The dance for 'BABY GOOD NIGHT' isn't too difficult, so I believe that everyone would be able to learn to dance it easily. It'll be okay as long as you do it like us, put your feelings into the song and dance with happiness.

Gongchan: That's right, that's right~ We need to become cute playboys, so we cannot have only a lovable side, we need to have a sexy side too, and we can't lean towards either side~ Hehe!

T: B1A4 has got very unique looks all the time, do the members particularly like a certain look of theirs? Personally, what sort of look and style do you prefer? Is there an important point in a certain type of style that you will take notice of?

Jinyoung: My favourite is the cute playboy style that we currently have for 'BABY GOOD NIGHT'. In our everyday lives, we wear simple clothes, and we use accessories and bracelets to emphasise on an important point. On important days, I like to wear a jacket.

CNU: Personally, I've always liked the cowboy style. I've never really had the chance to dress up like that, so it makes me really satisfied because we have the chance to dress in that style (for 'BABY GOOD NIGHT') and it suits us well. Normally, it's just a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, or basic styles of clothing. If we're talking about an important point, I'd usually wear a simple ring or a watch~

Sandeul: I liked our clothing and style from when we were promoting 'Beautiful Target', because it's rather similar to what I wear all the time! (laughs) Normally, I wear jeans with t-shirts or polo tees.

Baro: I really like our clothing and style from 'Beautiful Target' too, but the truth is, up till now, I like all our different looks. Also, when I'm on stage, I often wear hats, and usually, I really like hats too. When I think of how to match the colours and style of my clothing, I often use a hat to match it. I suppose hats should be the important point of my style!

Gongchan: Although I really like the different looks we've had, just like Sandeul hyung and Baro hyung, I really like our look and style from when we were promoting 'Beautiful Target'. Usually, I wear trousers and t-shirts that feel like they're from the same series.

T: Recently, we learnt from Korean newspapers that B1A4 visited a fan with a family member that was ill, and spent some time with them. Could you share about this warm incident? If the opportunity arises, what sort of event would the members like to participate in with your fans?

CNU: When we heard about the health condition of a fan's mother, we thought of helping out, even if it's just a little, and we decided to visit the fan's house. We had a meal with the fan's family members, and had a happy time chatted with them. The fan's family members were candid and full of vitality, including the fan's mother, who wasn't too well, and treated us warmly. We felt like it was a day where we learnt a lot instead.

Baro: Thankfully, the fan's mother has now recovered greatly, and she gives the fan a lot of strength. When we learnt of this, we felt very glad. If the opportunity arises, we would like to be able to bring strength to more people, giving hope to them, and never stop doing good deeds. Even if we are unable to meet everyone face to face, we hope that through our music, and looking at us work hard, everyone would be able to gain strength and hope.

CNU: Also, our fans are really wonderful! For my birthday, our fans raised funds for donation to the United Nations Children's Fund. It's a very meaningful gesture, and if it's possible, we'd like to be able to raise funds for those in need of help.

T: It's really hot this summer, so how does B1A4 beat the heat?

CNU: I would eat cold fruits to beat the heat. After eating, I would be able to forget the heat!

Gongchan: When it's really hot, I would use cold water to bathe. After washing myself, I would feel comfortable and cool, and it seems like it's the best way to beat the heat.

Jinyoung: You will only feel hotter if you keep moving around, so I'd often go to a cooler place, and I'll sit there without moving until I get cooler. (smiles)

Sandeul: Also, sticking yourself to a cool wall will help you feel cooler, so I do that often~ Haha.

Baro: To me, the method to beat the heat is... There isn't any. It seems like there's no way to escape from the heat... Right now it's very hot, and even though I use different methods, it's almost as if there's no way to get rid of the heat~ It's really hot~ (The way Baro looks as if he's so hot that he might melt any moment makes everyone laugh)

T: If you could go on a summer trip with your fans, what sort of trips would the members like to go on?

Baro: If we're going on a trip with our fans, I would like to go backpacking. It doesn't matter where we go, as long as we're going with our fans, going freely to a lot of places, the fun we would have would be doubled.

Jinyoung:  I'd like to travel by caravan and go to different places with beautiful scenery. Maybe we'd drive and along the way, we'd have a meal at a stall we discover along the road selling delicious food. Also, we'd play lots of enjoyable games during the trip.

CNU: I would like to be able to enjoy the sea breeze by the ocean with everyone and have a wonderful time.

Sandeul: If we're going on a trip with our fans, because it's summer, we'd go to the valley where it's cool, and happily play in the water! And we'd definitely eat watermelons!

Gongchan: It seems like it'd be interesting to go on a trip all around Korea with our fans. But not in summer where it's as hot as it is now! If we go on such a trip during the cooling autumn, we'd be able to learn lots of things, and create bonds that are like family with our fans.

T: The London Olympics are being held enthusiastically as of now. Are there any sports that any of the sports loving members of B1A4 are looking forward to seeing?

Gongchan: I'm looking forward to seeing Judo. Judo is a sport where victory is determined in just one round so you cannot relax at any second, so it's a really interesting event.

Jinyoung: During the Idol Olympics, I participated in fencing, and it's a really interesting event. Although I follow other events too, I pay more attention to fencing!

CNU: I'm really looking forward to Taekwondo. Perhaps it's because I've been doing Taekwondo since I was young.

Sandeul: I really like watching Judo, and I'm really looking forward to it! Just by watching it, even I will start to get competitive!

Baro: I've always liked football since young, so even if it's a match in the middle of the night, I will watch it on time. All the best to the (South) Korean football team!

T: Although you haven't been to Taiwan, B1A4 has a lot of Taiwanese fans. Please send a message of love to them!

Jinyoung: To everyone in Taiwan, thank you for supporting B1A4, we're really grateful! It's a pity that we haven't been able to meet everyone, so we hope to be able to meet everyone in Taiwan soon! Please look forward to it!

CNU: To everyone in Taiwan, if the opportunity arises, we hope to be able to have a wonderful time chatting with everyone. We're really grateful to all our supporters who have cheered us on, and in return we'd like to show you a B1A4 that's more handsome!

Sandeul: Our fans in Taiwan, how are you? Although up till now, we haven't visited Taiwan, but we think of everyone, and we'd really like to go to Taiwan to meet everyone. Maybe we'd be able to meet everyone some time soon? We're really grateful for the love and support we receive from everyone~ I love you all~

Baro: A big thank you to all our fans in Taiwan for giving us such passionate support and love. B1A4 will soon be able to show you a more handsome side to us in person, so please look forward to it! Please continue to support us!

Gongchan: Although we haven't visited Taiwan, we've received your support and warmth, thank you so much. Please wait for a while more, B1A4 will be able to meet you soon! (winks)

★We couldn't stop talking to B1A4, who we haven't met in a long time! In the next issue of TRENDY, we'd have B1A4's summer recommendations and interview highlights. Please pay close attention to it! It'd be a pity if you miss it!


A week after TRENDY interviewed B1A4, by accident, TRENDY learnt that Gongchan had been admitted to the hospital for an operation. We contacted B1A4's management company, and learnt that Gongchan's treatment had been pre-arranged, and although Gongchan wasn't feeling well, he insisted that he finish promotional events (before going through with treatment). It's really admirable, and it makes our hearts hurt for him. Thankfully, the operation went well, and Chanshik is currently doing well. Gongchan ah~ Please get well soon!

Article Credits: tables @ FLIGHTB1A4.COM
Translation: tables @ FLIGHTB1A4.COM