Lee Hyori ends being Cheoeum Cheorum Soju's advertising model!

Its confirmed, Lee Hyori will not be endorsing Cheoeum Cheorum soju anymore. On the 12th of November,   Lee Hyori updated her twitter account and shared, "Today, I have undergone a good breakup. Because of this parting of ways I think I will be having calm drinks of soju. What brand of Soju am I going to drink now? hmmm".

She then tweeted another statement saying, "I admit I found it good and bad being a model of a soju brand. I hope my smiling face on the posters of the soju brand helped make those who were having a hard time smile. Thank you".

An official from Cheoeum Cheorum soju also released a statement saying, "We have decided not to renew Lee Hyori's contract with the brand. The reason is that we are aiming for a fresh image with a new model. We have been working with Lee Hyori for 5 years and we had a good time working with her". 

Source: Nate
Written by: blueprincess824 @ dkpopnews.net