[Picture/me2day] Dara advertise their new show

Dara advertised their upcoming tv show through me2day. She encourages everyone to watch it live!


와쌉?!?ㅋ 예전에 내 미투중에 비행스토리라던지 뭐 그런 재밌는일들 있자나요~ 그런걸 영상으로 직접 보게된다면! 어떨거같아요??? 아이고오 ㅋ 어떤 장면이 찍혔는지


Whatssup?!? ke A long time ago, I posted up my plane story on me2day, and fun stuff like that~ What would it be like! if you could see that kinda thing in video form??? Aigo ke I, myself, don't even know what kind of scene they recorded or what will be shown on the show so.. ke ke must watch it live!!!^__^ ke ke ke
 There's few more days left until the first episode of 2NE1TV season 2 airs. Mark your calendars! July 27th.

cr: Source: Dara's me2day
Trans: Gee@ygladies.com
reporting: chrizzycrazy@dkpopnews.net